
Thursday, September 19, 2013

DIY Chalkboard Tracker 7 and 8 months


8 Months
Height: 26 1/4 inches
Weight: 18.2 LBS
Head: 18 1/4 inches
Sleeping: Still up every 2-3 hours at night, you're very good during the day with naps. You take a big hour or so nap in the morning, then a nap at lunch for 30minutes- 1 hour and another nap in the afternoon, which is usually 30 minutes. WooHoo!
Milestone: You love holding onto the furniture or anything for that matter and walk around it, you can sometimes stand without us hold you up!
Fun Moment: Very vocal, love listening to you babble "BA BA" or "DA DA" clearly now :)
Bad Moment: You got constipated and we had to go to the doctor :(
Teeth: No big changes on teeth yet....
Feeding: You love water and prune juice- its so cute watching you drink out of cups and straws


7 Months
Height: 26 inches ( got a bad read last month)
Weight: 17.8 lbs
Head: 17 3/4 "
Sleeping: I hate to say it, but she is STILL up every 2-3 hours. I feel like one day I will miss all this time with her at night, but i'm guessing no for now :)
Milestone: Climbs the stairs! very cautious, but can get up them.
Fun Moment: Crawling and chasing her around on the living room floor, in between the table and chairs- she LOVES it.
Bad Moment: None this month :)
Teeth: Still no teeth, but we still love the teething tablets- they seem to help and chewing on anything squish-ey, shin-ey, or cold.
Feeding: BIG eater this month, about 6 oz every 2 hours! You also love all kinds of foods and textures- you can now eat small solid chunks and thicker foods. We have eggs and bacon almost every morning :)

Friday, September 6, 2013


Holy COW! I have been WAY to busy  tired to post all the amazing-ness that's been going on in our lives....but here I am to catch up! We went on our first family vacation on a PLANE to Portland, OR to visit my husbands family.

I'll let that sink in for a second.....

Yes, we FLEW with the baby! I am here alive, and so is everyone else on the flight with us. She did....well :) I will leave it at that for now, I will be dedicating a WHOLE post to the flight next week :)

Here are some pictures from the trip- more to come.....

All ready momma! ( that's our dog Mossimo)

Yes, she is on the airport floor...we're parents of the YEAR :)

Pretty view from the hotel